Lexicon PCM 80 Stereo Amplifier User Manual

PCM 80 User Guide
4.7 LvlSweeper ADJUST: Color 0–24
This preset is driven by level. Any input that exceeds the input threshold will cause a little
burst of resonators that quickly swirl through the stereo field. ADJUST controls the pitch
range of the resonators.
4.8 Sweeper ADJUST: Pitch 0–24
This preset is a resonant arpeggiator in which a tempo-driven LFO controls the resonator
pitches. ADJUST controls the pitch range of the arpeggio effect.
4.9 MIDISustain ADJUST: Bright 0–5
This preset requires MIDI note input or it will not pass audio. Resonators are assigned as
the notes are played (when playing chords, it's best to spread them a little). Footswitch
2 works like a piano damper pedal. When the audio source is the same as the MIDI source,
the effect is a little like playing a piano while holding down the pedal. When the audio
source is different, well ... ADJUST controls the brightness of the resonators.
0.0 Small+Stage ADJUST: Stage Lvl 0–50
This preset combines a smooth, small reverberant space with several stage reflections.
Use ADJUST to set the stage reflection level.
0.1 Small Room ADJUST: Liveness 0–60
Use ADJUST to quickly change the ambient characteristics of this typically tight sounding
room. Great for ADR work.
0.2 Living Room ADJUST: Decay 0–60
Another ADR preset,medium spaced but with a short Rt. ADJUST quickly changes if not
perfect for your application.
0.3 Brick Kick ADJUST: Liveness 0–100
Kicks *ss on kick drums or the entire submix. ADJUST increases the liveness of the
0.4 Large Room ADJUST: Decay 0–60
A perfectly smooth listening room with medium diffusion. Very natural sounding on any
sound source. ADJUST lengthens or shortens the reverb decay.
0.5 SnareChamber ADJUST: Liveness 0–60
Like Brick Kick, ADJUST increases the liveness of the space. A classic from the PCM 70.
0.6 Tiled Room ADJUST: Decay 0–60
A future classic... ADJUST controls reverb decay.
0.7 Rich Chamber ADJUST: Decay 0–60
Smooth and full sounding. ADJUST varies reverb decay.
0.8 Vox Chamber ADJUST: Liveness 0–60
Combines recirculating echoes which fall away quickly once signal is absent. Increasing
ADJUST lengthens the reverb decay, which will mask the reflection echoes. For vocals.
0.9 Locker Room ADJUST: Depth 0–127
Just like in high school. ADJUST creates a deeper, more reverberant sound.
1.0 Wide Chamber ADJUST: Decay 0–60
Big and wide sounding with a preset short Mid Rt. ADJUST will change that if necessary.
Use on synth pads or vocals.
Resonant Chord Effects
(P2 4.1 – P2 4.9) cont'd.
Program Bank 3 (P3)
Reverb Effects
(P3 0.0 – P3 2.8)