PCM 80 User Guide
Editing an Effect With 10 algorithms and 200 preset effects, the PCM 80 gives you a lot to play
with right out of the box. An enormous range of editing control is provided for
each algorithm, with parameters organized in an edit matrix of as many as 100
main controls. In addition to providing this powerful sound design capability, the
PCM 80 is also designed to allow you to customize these controls for your day-
to-day editing needs, or to simply use a subset of controls specially designed
for each preset.
This section will describe three basic levels of editing, from the simplest "plug
and play" method, through the full edit matrix.
Every preset in the PCM 80 has one or more of its available parameters patched
to the front panel ADJUST knob. This Soft Knob provides the first level of editing
control. Once you have loaded a preset, simply turn ADJUST to alter the effect.
When shipped, the PCM 80 will power up with the first preset (P0 0.0 Prime
Blue) loaded. The following display will appear:
The Soft Knob
Indicates that the ADJUST knob is patched to one or more
parameters in the currently running effect. This indicator will
stay on even if another effect is selected for display.
Turn ADJUST. The display will change to show the name assigned to the
ADJUST patch, and the current value of the patch. Continue turning ADJUST to
change the value of the patch along its entire range. The range of ADJUST knob
control can be limited in Control Mode, making it possible, for example, to have
a range of only 0...1, in order to have the ADJUST knob behave as an Off/On
control. Many of the presets have range limits to make them more convenient to
use. In some of the presets, the changes effected by ADJUST will be as simple
as altering the wet/dry mix. In others, such as the example shown below, turning
ADJUST will glide you all the way from a chorusing effect to a reverb effect over
the complete control range of 0-127.
P0 0.0 Prime Blue
■ Chorus+Rvb
Matrix Location
Program Bank ID
Program Name
P0 0.0 Prime Blue
■ Efx/Rvb X : 33
The name that has been assigned to
the ADJUST knob patch is shown here.
The current value of the
patched parameter(s) appears
here. Turn ADJUST to alter this
Details on how to create your own ADJUST knob patches are given at the end
of this chapter under Patching.
Controlling the Soft Knob with a
Foot Pedal
If you have a foot pedal connected to
the PCM rear panel Foot Controller
jack, you can use it to control the soft
knob patch. (Note that no MIDI con-
nections are required to do this.)
To assign a foot pedal control over
the soft knob patches, set both Con-
trol mode 3.5 ADJUST and Control
mode 3.5 Foot Pedal to the same
MIDI Controller. See Chapter 5 MIDI