This menu selects a home scene that will be called automatically whenever you use the “clear
all” function. A “clear all” is done by holding down the blackout switch for 2 seconds. This
resets all of the channels and empties the scene record buffer. After the clear all is finished, the
home scene is then called. This can be used to call up a default lighting configuration for
creating new scenes. For example, all beams centered, full intensity at white is useful for
building a new scene. Use the menu switches or data wheels 1 and 2 to select the desired page
and scene number then press “enter”. You must of course first create the scene and save it
before you select it as the home scene. You can use any saved scene as the home scene.
This menu allows you to invert the output of any of the pan or tilt channels on moving light
fixtures. With this menu displayed, use the + and - switches or data wheel 1 to select the fixture
then use data wheels 2 or 3 to set the invert states for pan or for tilt. You must press “enter” to
save the selection.
This menu lets you modify some of the channel attributes of a fixture. These attributes are
automatically set when you select a fixture from the library. There are fifteen fixture attributes
that can be modified. The attributes are: fixture name, number of channels, black channel,
black value, dimmer channel, shutter channel, grand master channels, crossfade mode, pan
channel, pan fine channel, tilt channel, tilt fine channel, cyan channel, magenta channel, and
yellow channel. Use the cursor switches to move the underline cursor to the fixture number or
use data wheel 1 to select the fixture you want to modify. Next move the cursor to the
“attribute” which is displayed immediately to the right or use data wheel 2 to select the
attribute. Next move the cursor to the “value” line of the display or use data wheel 3 to select
the value for the attribute you are changing. You must press “enter” to record the changes you
make to an attribute. The message “DONE” will appear in the display when the change has
been recorded. The fixture attributes that can be edited are described in the following
Name is the fixture name that appears whenever you select a light fixture. You may want to
modify this attribute on each of your fixtures to show fixture purpose or location. Use the
cursor and wheels to enter each character or use an external keyboard.
Channels is the total number of channels used by the fixture. This can be any number from 1
to 32. When you change the number of channels, be aware that other things such as fixture
addresses and number of multi fixtures can be automatically changed when you do this. Fixture
attributes such as black channel, pan or tilt will also be automatically disabled if you select a
number that is smaller than the channel numbers that are already assigned to those attributes.
For example if you already assigned pan to channel 8 and you reduce the total number of
channels for the fixture to 4, pan will automatically be set to “none”. Likewise if you increase
the number of channels from 8 to 9 and you had previously set up 4 multi fixtures using all 32
channels, the multi fixture setting will automatically be reset back to 1.
Black Channel is the channel that will be affected when the blackout switch is pressed. You
can choose any available fixture channel or “ALL” which forces all channels to the black value.
Normally you would choose the shutter or dimmer channel for this.
Black Value is the DMX value that will be used for blackout on the selected black channel(s).
This will help accommodate fixtures that use the gobo wheel for blackout using a value other