+ or - switch or data wheel 1 to change the character. You can also use an external keyboard to
enter the name characters.
If you want another show to automatically be called when this one ends, set the link to “on”
and select the page and show number for the linked show. If you enable a link, looping will be
turned off. If you are running in manual mode, make sure the linked show is also set to
manual, otherwise the clock will restart when the linked show is called.
After you have finished recording the steps and setting the show attributes, save the show by
selecting a page and number where you want to store it. Make sure that the scene LED is off. If
you select a show number that is already lit, a message will appear prompting you to overwrite
the existing show. Press “yes” or “no”.
After you have saved the show, record mode will remain on allowing you to continue to edit
the show. To exit record mode, press “record”, the LEDs will stop flashing.
To erase an existing show, press “record” then “show” then “erase”. As when recording a show,
all LEDs that contain a show will be lit. Next select the show to erase. That show name will
appear in the LCD. The message “Erase this Show?” will also appear. Press “yes” or “no”. If you
press “yes” the show will be erased. You can only erase an entire show when there is no show
currently being edited. While editing a show, “erase” is used to erase show steps. You can abort
show erase at any time by either pressing “no” or by exiting record mode by pressing the
record switch.
To edit a show that has already been recorded, press “record” followed by “show”. Instead of
entering steps for a new show, press the show number of the one you want to edit. The
message “Edit this existing Show?” will appear in the display. Press “yes” and the show will be
called up and you can add to it or modify it by selecting steps and changing any value. After
editing, a show can be saved at the same or at a new location by pressing any number switch.
You can use this method to copy a show to another memory location by calling it for edit and
then saving it without making any changes. Please note that the scene LED must be turned off
before you can save the show.
To start a show, press the show switch, and then select the desired page and number switch.
The display will show the page, show number and name of the show along with the current
step, the current scene and hold time. If the show is set to run in manual mode, the hold time
will display “manual” and you will have to press the go switch to advance the show steps. If
not set to manual, it will run on its internal clock. You can only run one show at a time from
the number switches. If you select another show it will replace the one that is running. You can
however run more than one show at a time when using the playback faders. The shows that
are running on the playbacks will not be shown in the display. You can run up to 16 shows at
one time using all the playback faders. Read the playbacks chapter later in this manual for
details on how to run shows this way.
A show that is called using the number switches is the main show and is displayed on the LCD
as it runs. There can only be one main show running at a time. Any shows that are running on
the playbacks are side shows and won’t be displayed on the LCD. The main show can be
controlled using the go, stop and back switches. Pressing “stop” will pause the main show if it
is running on its clock. The stop LED will be lit to indicate the show is paused. You can use