The fine button affects the way the joystick and the data wheels operate. With fine mode on,
they will increment or decrement by the smallest possible amount. With fine mode off, they
will increment or decrement by larger amounts. If a fixture profile is installed for a selected
fixture, selecting fine mode will switch the channel wheel display to number values instead of
name values such as color or gobo names. This can be useful for splitting colors or gobos.
The solo switch can be used to locate or center moving light fixtures. When the solo LED is lit,
a moving light fixture will be centered with its dimmer and shutter channel set to full when
selected. This works when selecting individual fixtures or fixture groups.
You can copy the settings from one fixture to one or more fixtures. Only channels that are
being used by the original fixture will be copied. First press “record” and then “fixture”, those
LEDs will flash. Select the fixture number that you want to copy from, it’s LED will also flash.
Finally, select the fixture number(s) for any fixtures you want to copy to. When you are
finished, press “record” and the LEDs will stop flashing.
This feature will only copy static channel values from channels that are currently being used by
the original fixture. It will not copy channels that are part of a preset or part of a chase. You
cannot copy to fixtures that are different than the original.