Agilent Technologies 81A Stereo System User Manual

Agilent N5161A/62A/81A/82A/83A MXG Signal Generators User’s Guide 289
Multitone and Two–Tone Waveforms (Option 430)
Using Two–Tone Modulation
Two–Tone Modulation Softkeys
Creating a Two–Tone Waveform
This procedure describes how to create a basic, centered, two–tone waveform.
1. Preset the signal generator.
2. Set the signal generator RF output frequency to 6 GHz.
3. Set the signal generator RF output amplitude to –10 dBm.
4. Press Mode > Two –To ne > Freq Separation > 10 > MHz.
5. Press Two Tone Off On to On.
6. Turn on the RF output.
The two–tone signal is now available at the signal generator RF OUTPUT connector. Figure 12-1 on
page 290 shows what the signal generator display should look like after all steps have been
completed. Notice that the T-TONE, I/Q, annunciators are displayed; the RF ON, MOD ON are on; and
the parameter settings for the signal are shown in the status area of the signal generator display.
Becomes active when a change is made to the Freq
Separation or Alignment Softkeys.
Becomes active when Two Tone is
turned On.
Active when
Two–Tone enabled.
For softkey usage,
see page 133.
page 241
For details on each key, use key help as described on page 42.
page 250
see page 133
(Two–Tone’s Arb Setup is similar to the Dual Arb Setup.)
> No Waveform Runtime Scaling softkey,
> No Multi–BBG Sync Setup softkey, and
> No DAC Over–Range Protection softkey