Agilent Technologies 81A Stereo System User Manual

158 Agilent N5161A/62A/81A/82A/83A MXG Signal Generators User’s Guide
Basic Digital Operation (Option 651/652/654) Preliminary
Using Waveform Markers Preliminary
Using the RF Blanking Marker Function
While you can set a marker function (described as Marker Routing on the softkey label in the Marker
Utilities menu) either before or after setting the marker points (page 154), setting a marker function
before you set marker points may change the RF output. RF Blanking includes ALC hold (described
on page 149, note Caution regarding unleveled power). The signal generator blanks the RF output
when the marker signal goes low. This example is a continuation of the previous example, Viewing a
Marker Pulse.
1. Using the factory–supplied segment SINE_TEST_WFM, set Marker 1 across points 1180 (page 154).
2. From the Marker Routing softkey menu, assign RF Blanking to Marker 1:
In the second Arb menu (page 152), press Marker Utilities > Marker Routing > Pulse/RF Blank > Marker