Agilent Technologies 81A Stereo System User Manual

Agilent N5161A/62A/81A/82A/83A MXG Signal Generators User’s Guide 143
Preliminary Basic Digital Operation (Option 651/652/654)
Preliminary Saving a Waveform’s Settings & Parameters
Viewing and Modifying Header Information
The following example uses the factory–supplied waveform file RAMP_TEST_WFM.
1. From BBG media, select the waveform RAMP_TEST_WFM:
a. Press Mode > Dual ARB > Select Waveform.
b. In the Segment On column, highlight the waveform RAMP_TEST_WFM.
c. Press Select Waveform.
2. Open the Header Utilities menu:
Press More > Header Utilities
The Figure 8-5 shows the default file header for the factory–supplied waveform RAMP_TEST_WFM.
The Header Field column lists the file header parameters; use the Page Down key to see them all.
The Saved Header Settings column shows that most of the settings are Unspecified.
Unspecified means that there is no setting saved for that particular parameter.
The Current Inst. Settings column shows the current signal generator settings. In this
example, these are the settings that you will save to the file header.
NOTE If a setting is unspecified in the file header, the signal generator uses its current value for
that setting when you select and play the waveform.
AWGN: C/N Ratio Carrier to noise ration, in dB (see page 246).
AWGN: Carrier BW Bandwidth over which the noise power is integrated, in Hz (see page 246).
AWGN: Noise BW Bandwidth of the noise, in Hz (see page 246).
AWGN: Carrier RMS The carrier RMS across the carrier bandwidth (see page 246).
Phase Noise State Indicated whether phase noise is on (1) or off (0) (see page 250).
Phase Noise F1 The start frequency for the level mid–frequency characteristics (see page 250).
Phase Noise F2 The end frequency for the level mid–frequency characteristics (see page 250).
Phase Noise Lmid The amplitude for the level mid–frequency characteristics (see page 250).
Modulation Filter The real-time modulation filter type selected (see page 208).
Over–Range Protect Indicated whether DAC Over–Range Protection is on (1) or off (0) (see page 254).
Unique Waveform Id 0 = no Id; once an Id is assigned, it cannot be changed.
License Required Indicates whether a license is required to play the waveform. See also: “Viewing Options and
Licenses” on page 37
Can be Read Out Indicates whether the waveform can be queried through SCPI or FTP.
Table 8-1 File Header Entries (Continued)