Agilent Technologies 81A Stereo System User Manual

108 Agilent N5161A/62A/81A/82A/83A MXG Signal Generators User’s Guide
Optimizing Performance Preliminary
Using an Output Offset, Reference, or Multiplier Preliminary
When using the signal generator as a local oscillator (LO), you can use the offset to display the
frequency of interest, as illustrated below:
Setting an Output Reference
Using an output reference, the signal generator can output a frequency or amplitude that is offset
(positive or negative) by the entered value from a chosen reference value.
RF Output = reference value + entered value
To set a reference:
1. Set the frequency or amplitude to the value you want as the output reference level.
2. Frequency: Press Frequency > Freq Ref Set
The frequency displays 0.00 Hz, indicating that this is the RF output frequency “zero level.”
All frequencies entered are interpreted as being relative to this reference frequency.
Amplitude: Press Amptd > More > Amptd Ref Set
The amplitude displays 0.00 dB, indicating that this is the RF output amplitude “zero level.”
All amplitudes entered are interpreted as being relative to this reference amplitude.
IF Amplifier
RF Amplifier
Signal Generator
(local oscillator)
Output Frequency = 1000 MHz
IF = 321MHz
Antenna tuned to 1321 MHz
Selected Offset
321 MHz
679 MHz
SIgnal Generator Display
1321 MHz (Antenna Frequency)
321 MHz (IF Output)
IF Output
321 MHz
Indicates that a reference is on