APIcom Instruction Manual M700 Calibrator Sequences
Step Type Description
GPT Generates a GPT consisting of NO and O
GPT PRESET Generates a GPT-preset consisting of NO and O
MANUAL Generates gas under manual control using the specified gas, flows, and O
generator setting.
PURGE Purges the system with high flowrate and zero air.
STANDBY Stops all actions and puts calibrator in standby mode.
DELAY Generates a delay of the specified action (in minutes)
Executes a sequence by name (subroutine call).
SELECT OUTPUT Specifies which output valve to open when generating gas. This functionality is
available only for firmware E.4 and higher.
SET CC OUTPUT Sets the contact closure outputs to the specified pattern. This functionality is
available only for firmware E.4 and higher.
To add a step to a sequence, select a sequence and click
. The following dialog box opens.
Figure 5-6: Select Step Type Dialog
Select one of the available step types from the list and click on
. The context menu will
appear (see Figure 5-7). Steps that are not supported by a particular firmware revision will not be
available from this drop-down menu.
A step can also be added by right-clicking on a sequence and selecting one of the step types from the
sequence context menu. Alternatively, right-clicking on a step within the sequence will bring up the
slightly different sequence step context menu shown below. Click on one of the step types to add a step.
If APIcom will not create a new step, it is because the maximum number of steps has already been
created for the sequence (100).
Figure 5-7: Sequence Step Context Menu
05499 Rev. A 5-6