3.1. Connecting to an Instrument
To connect to an instrument and display its Front Panel Window, click on , type
Ctrl-C on the computer keyboard, or select File-Connect from the Main Application Window. See Figure
2-2 for an example of the connection dialog box.
There are three ways to establish the connection:
Select an instrument from the list and click on .
Press Enter on the computer keyboard.
Double-click an the instrument name in the list.
If the “Close on connect” option at the bottom of the connection dialog is checked, the dialog window will
automatically close while APIcom establishes the connection. If this option is not checked, the dialog will
remain open, permitting the user to initiate several connections in one step.
If the connection is via a direct cable, the Front Panel Window should promptly display the contents of
the instrument’s physical display. If the connection is via a modem, it will take some time for APIcom to
dial the remote site. Ethernet connection speed may vary depending on the internet speed.
APIcom establishes the front panel first and then connects to the underlying software. The front panel
cannot be used until the button Download, graph, save data… is displayed in black. Older instruments
without this functionality can be used right away.
APIcom may not be able to connect to the instrument for many reasons. The wrong COM port or
settings may be in use. The cable may be the wrong type or low quality. The wrong modem type may be
selected. The connection may be a direct cable connection when it should be a modem connection. The
cables may not be attached. The instrument ID may be incorrect. A switch prefix may be in use when it
should not be, or is not in use when it should be.
3.2. Front Panel Buttons
A button on the Front Panel Window can be activated two different ways: by clicking on the button with
the mouse, or by typing key 1–8 on the computer keyboard. As buttons on the Front Panel Window are
activated, the graphical display changes.
While using APIcom, be careful not to change any setting that may affect the RS-232 connection,
such as the RS-232 mode, the baud rate, or the instrument ID number.
3.3. Disconnecting From an Instrument
To disconnect from an instrument, press the Esc key on the computer keyboard while the Front Panel
Window is displayed, or click on
in the upper right hand corner of the Front Panel Window. APIcom
will prompt for confirmation and will also prompt if the iDAS settings were changed without saving or
uploading them. When all instruments from a particular site are closed, the site and modem connection
is closed, too.
3.4. Exiting APIcom
To exit APIcom, press Alt-F4 on the computer keyboard while the Main Application Window is displayed
(see Figure 2-1), or click on
in the upper right hand corner of the Main Application Window or select
File-Exit from the main menu.
APIcom will prompt the user if there is any front panel left open and if the network configuration file was
changed and not yet saved.
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