APIcom Instruction Manual iDAS Configuration and Data Access
4.12. Downloading iDAS Data Automatically
APIcom can be configured to download iDAS data automatically at periodic intervals. Different intervals
and record selection criteria can be chosen for each channel. Each channel must be configured
separately for automatic download using the Advanced tab of the channel property dialog (see Figure
4.12.1. Configuring Channels for Automatic Download
APIcom allows to specify the download period, the record selection criteria, the data file name, and
whether to append to or replace the data file, on a channel-by-channel basis. When combining "Since
last download.” with the “Append downloaded data to file” option, the instrument’s iDAS storage capacity
is essentially only limited by the host computer's disk space. Auto-download configuration has to be
done only once, APIcom stores the automatic settings in its network configuration file.
4.12.2. Selecting Channels for Automatic Download
After configuring the channels on how to automatically download, they also need to be checked for
download. This is done by checking the checkbox next to the channel’s name in the iDAS configuration
list or right-clicking on a channel and clicking Select Channel in the context menu. Or the option “Select
this channel for automatic download” in the Advanced tab can be used.
4.12.3. Activating Automatic Download Mode
Finally, press to activate automatic mode. While this button is pressed, all of the other
buttons in the iDAS configuration dialog are disabled and the user cannot access any front panel, the
main window or any other APIcom settings. This is to prevent conflicts between automatic and manual
downloads. To regain access to the windows, simply de-press
, finish the desired operation,
then press the button again to resume automatic mode.
4.12.4. File Names For Automatic Download
The file name that APIcom generates when clicking in the Advanced tab has a different
default format from the file name that APIcom generates when saving data manually:
“<Instrument Name>-< Instrument Serial Number>-<Channel Name>-Auto.txt”
Unlike the file name format for manual saves, the date and record set number are not included. This is
because APIcom will repeatedly add data to this file or replace it entirely, hence those additional fields
are meaningless in automatic mode.
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