APIcom Instruction Manual iDAS Configuration and Data Access
4.6. Sending the iDAS Configuration to the Instrument
To send the iDAS configuration to the instrument, click on . Sending the iDAS configuration
to the instrument will completely replace the instrument’s current iDAS configuration and discard all of
the data stored in the instrument. Therefore, APIcom will prompt to confirm the operation before
Older analyzer firmware revisions may not support this functionality, see Appendix A or the website for
more information. In this case, the and other buttons will be grayed-out.
If the send operation is successful, APIcom will display the following dialog box.
Figure 4-6: Successful iDAS Send Dialog
If the send operation is unsuccessful, APIcom will display the following dialog box. Some possible
causes of this error are that a channel name contains spaces or that the instrument’s receive buffer
overflowed while receiving the iDAS configuration. Try enabling one or more handshaking options,
particularly the Transmit Delay option in the instrument properties dialog. Also, lowering the baud rate
often solves this problem.
Figure 4-7: Unsuccessful iDAS Send Dialog
4.7. Downloading iDAS Data
To download iDAS data, check the desired channels or parameters in the dialog box by clicking in the
checkboxes next to each name. (The checkboxes may not appear in some versions of Windows. If this
is the case, the problem can be fixed by upgrading to Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher and NT 4.0, service
pack 4 or higher.) A work-around is to right-click on a channel or parameter and use Select Channel or
Select Parameter to select it or deselect it. The checkmark next to the menu item shows the channel’s
or parameter’s current selection state.
When a channel is selected or deselected, all of its parameters are automatically selected or
deselected, too. Alternatively, the user can choose to SELECT ALL or DESELCT ALL by using the
appropriate buttons on the bottom right of the window. Upon clicking on
, APIcom will
present the following record selection dialog to choose which records should be downloaded. See table
for explanation of each option.
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