APIcom Instruction Manual iDAS Configuration and Data Access
Property Description
All Downloads all the records stored in the instrument for the selected channels or
Specify the record selection criteria to use and click on
to begin downloading. Note that
iDAS data downloads can take several minutes, depending on the baud rate and how many data were
selected. For instruments with the proper software downloads can be canceled by pressing the cancel
. The instrument information dialog, section 6.1, indicates whether the instrument
supports this feature.
Instruments actually store iDAS records approximately one second after the programmed time. For
instance, if an instrument is programmed to store a record at 10:00:00, it will actually store it at 10:00:01.
This slight delay ensures that the record is stored after the sampling interval is completed. It is important
to be aware of this behavior when using the Between option above, and set the ending time a few
seconds beyond the last time of desired download. For example, if records up to 10:00:00 are desired,
the ending time limit should be 10:00:05.
Figure 4-9: Downloading iDAS Data
For instruments that do not support the date range download, APIcom must download all the records
and then discard the ones outside the requested date range. Thus, in many instruments it takes just as
long to download records by date range as it does to download all the records. After the records have
been downloaded, the iDAS Configuration and Downloaded Data Dialog might look like the following
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