APIcom includes support for modifying the sequence configuration in M700 calibrators. APIcom can only
modify the sequence configuration in M700 calibrators with firmware revision D.3 or higher. However,
calibrators with firmware prior to D.3 can still be edited through the front panel. The user interface for
sequence configuration is very similar to that for configuring the iDAS. If APIcom detects that the
instrument is an M700 calibrator, the front-panel iDAS configuration button,
, is changed to . The M700 does not contain
a iDAS and stores sequences in a different memory space than the iDAS is usually saved. The current
sequence configuration can be downloaded, saved, modified, and sent it back to the instrument.
Sending a sequence configuration to the instrument will completely replace its existing configuration. A
sequence configuration can also be changed by using the instrument’s own menus through the Front
Panel Window (see Figure 1-1).
5.1. Sequence Configuration Dialog
Clicking in the Front Panel Window or clicking Configure Sequences…
in the System Menu (top left corner of each window) of the Front Panel Window will produce the
following dialog box.
Figure 5-1: Sequence Configuration Dialog
Initially, this window is empty. Download the instrument’s sequence configuration using the
button. It is also possible to open this dialog off-line when editing the instrument’s properties (see Figure
5-1) by clicking on
. When editing the sequence configuration off-line, the
buttons related to downloading and uploading are disabled. The following table summarizes the
functions of the buttons in the Sequence Configuration Dialog.
Table 5-1: Sequence Configuration Dialog Buttons
Property Description
Configuration Buttons
Downloads the sequence configuration from the instrument into APIcom.
05499 Rev. A 5-1