This section explains how to configure APIcom to connect to an instrument.
2.1. Main Application Window
The following figure shows the top-level window of APIcom. This window will always be open in addition
to one window for each instrument front panel.
Figure 2-1: Main Application Window
All configuration tasks can be carried out with the buttons on the toolbar, which are summarized in the
table below.
Table 2-1: Main Application Window Toolbar Buttons
Button Menu Equivalent Description
File-Connect Connects to an instrument
File-New Creates a new, empty network configuration
File-Open Opens an existing network configuration
File-Save Saves current network configuration
Settings-Instruments Edits list of instruments
Settings-Sites Edits list of sites
Settings-Modems Edits list of non-Windows modems
Settings-Options Changes program options
Help-About APIcom Displays the APIcom help file
2.2. Quick Start (Direct Cable Connection)
This section explains how to get the software running as quickly as possible with a local instrument that
is connected to a host computer via a direct serial cable. This is useful for getting acquainted with the
program and to test and setup instruments before deployment.
Configure APIcom
When APIcom is run for the first time at least one site and one instrument need to be created.
Step Action Comment
Select Settings-Sites from the menu or click on
toolbar button
Create a site.
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