2-47 Printing from applications with Mac OS 9.2 or later or Mac OS X
ES3640e MFP EFI Printing Guide - 47
For more information on the job management tools, see the
Job Management Guide.
In the Instructions area, enter instructions to the operator about
the job. These instructions can be displayed in Command
WorkStation, but do not appear in the Job Log. These instructions
can be edited by the operator.
9. Choose print options for your print job from the following pop-up
menu items: Destination, Paper Source, Layout, ColorWise, Image
Quality, Finishing, FreeForm, and Printer Specific Options.
These print options are specific to the ES3640e MFP. You may
have to scroll to see all the options. They override settings in
Printer Setup, but can be changed from the job management
If you choose Printer’s default, the job prints according to the
settings specified in Setup.
For more information about these options and overrides, see
Appendix A.
Some print options, including Soft Collate, Soft Reverse Order,
and Manual Duplex, that are selectable from an application or
Adobe PS printing features are similar to the print options
available from the Printer Specific Options menu. In these cases,
specify the print option from the Printer Specific Options menu.
Choose Printer Specific