1-24 Printing from Windows Computers
ES3640e MFP EFI Printing Guide - 24
To load Job Templates
1. From the Fiery Printing tab, click the Job Templates menu.
2. Choose the settings you want to use for your template.
The options are automatically configured.
To delete Job Templates
1. From the Fiery Printing tab, click the Job Templates button.
2. Choose the templates you want to delete and click Delete.
3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion and click OK.
To modify Job Templates
1. From the Fiery Printing tab, click the Job Templates menu.
2. Choose the template you want to modify and click OK.
The options are automatically configured with the currently saved
3. Configure your new settings from the print option bars and click
the Save Current Job Template button.
4. Click OK to save the modified template.