Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
GL - 17
trading partner Another company with which your company trades documents. Also referred to
as a partner.
transaction set
A business form as defined by the standards. Examples include an ANSI 850
purchase order or an UCS 880 invoice. The standards define each transaction set
in terms of the segments and elements that make up the form, the order in which
they appear, and the relationships among them. This is also known as a “message”
in Europe.
A document into which data elements from the source document have been
automatically transferred using a turnaround map.
turnaround map A series of instructions that the system uses to create a turnaround document (a
logical response document to the source) from an inbound (source) document, by
transferring data from the source document to elements in the target document
(translation object).
UCS The Uniform Communications Standard is the standard used by the grocery
UnPost This function enables you to move a document previously posted to the Out
Documents back to the Workspace for further processing.
version A formal update of an EDI standard. Each standards-setting body updates its
standards on a regular basis.
view For documents, this function enables you to display the raw EDI data, a formatted
document using a translation object, or a translator report, depending on the
format selected. For interchanges, this function enables you to display the raw
EDI data or a translator report, depending on the format selected.
VICS The Voluntary Inter-industry Communication Standards is the standards-setting
body for the retail industry, a subset of ANSI X12.
Workspace The Workspace contains a list of outbound “Work in Progress” documents. It also
contains recently imported or data entry documents.
X12 The ANSI committee that sets and publishes standards for EDI.