CrossRef Entry Dialog Box Using Partners
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
3 - 96
CrossRef Entry Dialog Box
Introduction The CrossRef Entry dialog box enables you to create a new table item.
Diagram The following illustrates the CrossRef Entry dialog box:
Parts and
The following lists the parts of the CrossRef Entry dialog box and their functions:
Part Function
My Value Specify your data value that corresponds to your partner's
data value.
Partner Value Specify your partner's data value that corresponds to your
data value.
Description Specify a description of the codes.
Reference Data Specify up to four values that can be mapped when they
are associated with a specific code value.
These boxes are not currently used by Gentran:Server.
Save Saves the modified information.
Exit Exits the CrossRef Entry dialog box.
Help Displays Online Help.