
Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows November 2005
Using Partners Partner Tables Dialog Box
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Partner Tables Dialog Box
Introduction The Partner Tables dialog box enables you to create, edit, or delete cross-reference
or lookup tables. Tables are only used with translation objects that are designed to
incorporate that data. When you receive a translation object from Sterling
Commerce, you will be informed if you need to create tables to be used with that
translation object.
Diagram The following illustrates the Partner Tables dialog box:
Parts and
The following lists the parts of the Partner Tables dialog box and their functions:
Part Function
Tables Displays all currently defined partner tables.
Exit Exits the Partner Tables dialog box.
New Accesses the New Table Dialog Box, which allows you to
create a new table.
Edit Accesses either the CrossRef Select Dialog Box or the
Lookup Select Dialog Box, which allows you to edit the
selected table.
Delete Removes the selected partner table from the system.
Import Accesses the Table Import File Select Dialog Box, which
enables you to import a partner table.
Export Accesses the Table Export File Build Dialog Box, which
enables you to export a partner table.
Help Displays Online Help.