Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
GL - 8
menu A list of actions from which you can choose. Unavailable items on a menu are
dimmed to inform you they are disabled.
menu bar Displays the list of menus for the application.
move This functions enables you to move a document or group of documents either
from In Documents or ?In Documents to the In Drawer or from ?Out Documents
to the Workspace.
network Also known as a Third Party Network or Value-Added Network (VAN). A
service, such as Sterling Information Broker, that accepts and holds transmissions
from companies until it is convenient for a trading partner to accept them.
non-repudiation Non-repudiation is the ability of a message transfer system to provide unforgeable
evidence that a specific action occurred. The following are the three most
common types of non-repudiation services:
◗ Non-repudiation of origin—Protects against any attempt by a message
originator to deny sending a message.
◗ Non-repudiation of submission—Protects against any attempt by a message
transfer agent to deny that a message was submitted for delivery.
◗ Non-repudiation of delivery—Protects against any attempt by a message
recipient to deny receiving a message.
ODETTE The Organization for Data Exchange by Tele-Transmission, based in Europe.
Out Documents This browser contains a list of documents that are ready to be sent. After the
documents are successfully sent, they are automatically transferred to the Out
Out Drawer This browser contains a list of documents that were successfully sent by the
partner Another firm with which your company trades documents. Also referred to as a
trading partner.
Partner Editor This function enables you to define, edit, and delete partner information for your
company and your trading partners.