Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Using Documents Accessing the Document Browsers
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In the browsers, you can click a column heading to sort the display by that values
in that column.
Procedure To access any of the document browsers, complete the following steps:
RefData Displays the reference data assigned by the translation
object designer to identify this document:
◗ Segment/element positional value (such as a PO
Number for a purchase order)
◗ Blank (no reference data is assigned)
Part Function
Step Action
From the appropriate area of The Desk, select the browser.
System Response
The system displays the appropriate summary dialog box for that
Select the type of document for the appropriate partner.
◗ To highlight more than one partner/document type combination,
click on the first partner/document type and then press SHIFT
and click the last partner/document type in the group.
◗ To highlight several partner/document types that are not adjacent
to each other in the summary dialog box, press CTRL and click
the partner/document types.
Click View.
System response
The system displays the browser containing those documents.