Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Using Documents Posting Documents
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Posting Documents
Introduction The Post function moves a selected compliant document or group of compliant
documents to the Out Documents Browser. A document is compliant if it
conforms to the validation rules as defined by the translation object. A document
is designated compliant if the Status column contains OK. If the Status column
contains NotOk, the document is not compliant and is not posted.
The Post function can only be used when the Workspace is active.
Procedure To post a document or group of documents, complete the following steps:
Step Action
From the appropriate area of The Desk, select the Workspace.
System response
The system displays the Workspace Browser.
Select the compliant documents that you want to move to the Out
Documents Browser.
A document is designated compliant if the Status column contains
OK. If the Status column contains NotOk, the document is not
compliant and is not posted.
Click Post.
System response
The selected documents are moved to the Out Documents Browsers.