Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Using Communications Resending Documents
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Resending Documents
Introduction After a document is successfully enveloped and sent, it is stored in the Out
Drawer. If you need to resend the document, you must make a copy of the
document and execute the Send process again using the copy.
Procedure To resend a document, complete the following steps:
Step Action
From the appropriate area of The Desk, select Out Drawer.
System response
The system displays the Out Drawer Summary dialog box.
Select the type of document for the appropriate partner and click
System response
The system displays the Out Drawer Browser.
Select the document or documents that need to be resent.
To select a group of documents click the first document, press
SHIFT, and click the last document. To select several documents that
are not adjacent to each other in the Out Drawer list, press CTRL and
click the documents.
Click Copy to make a copy of the document and place the copy in the
From the appropriate area of The Desk, select Workspace.
System response
The system displays the Workspace Browser.
Make any necessary changes to the documents.
You can modify a document only if there is a Screen Entry translation
object for the partner relationship.
Select the documents and click Post.
System response
The documents are posted to the Out Documents Browser.
(Continued on next page)