
56 GPSMAP 76 Owner’s Manual
MAIn Menu > setup Menu
Alarms Tab
The Alarms tab contains settings for Anchor Drag,
Approach and Arrival, Off Course, Shallow Water, and
Deep Water. These settings determine if and when a
warning beep is sounded and/or a message is displayed.
Anchor Drag—alerts you when the boat has drifted
more than the user dened distance. The alarm
continues until cleared by the user.
Approach and Arrival—alerts you when approaching
a turn or arriving at your destination. Automatic alerts
you between 15 and 90 seconds before depending
on your speed. Distance and Time alert you at the
specied distance or time.
Off Course—alerts you when you are off course more
than the user dened distance. The Off Course alarm
can be turned On or Off.
Shallow Water—requires input from a NMEA device
supplying the “DPT” sentence. The Shallow Water
alarm alerts you when the water depth is less than the
depth set. Deep Water—requires input form a NMEA
device supplying the “DPT” sentence. The Deep Water
Alarm alerts you when the water is deeper than the
depth set.