GPSMAP 76 Owner’s Manual 21
bAsIc operAtIon > stArtInG to nAvIGAte
When starting to navigate, remember that GPS
provides you with direct, straight line navigation. It is
not always possible to navigate using the most direct
route, so the GPSMAP 76 continuously updates your
Track and Bearing, always pointing out the shortest
route to your destination.
To begin navigation:
1. Press NAV.
2. Select Go To Point and press ENTER.
3. Select Waypoints and press ENTER.
4. Select HOME and press ENTER.
5. With Goto highlighted, press ENTER.
As you start walking, the Pointer is pointed at your
destination. As soon as you are able, turn toward the
Pointer until it is aligned with the vertical line in the
Compass Ring. As you continue walking, and approach
your HOME waypoint, a message is displayed alerting
you that you have arrived.
When you are able to turn toward the
destination, follow the Pointer until it points
toward the top of the display and aligns
with the line in the Compass Ring. When the
Pointer and Line are aligned, your Track
and Bearing are equal and you are headed
toward your destination. When you are near
your destination, Arriving at Destination is