52 GPSMAP 76 Owner’s Manual
MAIn Menu > setup Menu
Setup Menu
The Setup Menu is arranged in a tab format. Each tab
(General, Time, Units, Location, Alarms, Interface)
contains the settings that determines how the unit
functions. To select a tab, highlight the tab name using
the ROCKER key (right/left). To select a data eld on
a tab, use the ROCKER key (up/down) to highlight the
selection and press ENTER. To restore the GPSMAP
76 setup menu to the factory settings, press MENU and
with Restore Defaults highlighted press ENTER.
General Tab
The General tab contains settings for the Receiver
Mode, WAAS, Backlight Time Out, Beeper, and
language. To change a setting highlight the eld
and press ENTER. Make your selection using the
ROCKER key and press ENTER to activate.
Mode—selections are Normal, Battery Saver,
and Simulator
Normal—is the default mode set from the factory. Use
this setting for the best performance.
Battery Saver—optimizes the receiver to save battery
power. When in the Battery Saver mode, you may
experience slower screen updates, but should notice a
signicant increase in battery life. The unit does not
receive WAAS in Battery Saver Mode.
Simulator—turns the GPS receiver off and the unit
simulates satellite reception. Use the Simulator mode
to practice indoors with the unit.
WAAS—is an acronym for “Wide Area Augmentation
System.” The WAAS capability of the GPSMAP 76
increases the accuracy to approximately 3 meters.
When enabled, the GPS receiver searches for WAAS
satellites. The WAAS satellite sends data that helps
correct differentials in the GPS signal. When the unit
is using WAAS data, a “D” appears in the Satellite
Strength Indicators on the GPS Information page, and
the receiver status indicates a 2D or 3D Differential
Location. See the section “WAAS and DGPS” in the
Appendix for more information.