
40 GPSMAP 76 Owner’s Manual
MAIn Menu > trAcKs
The Track page displays the amount of Track Memory
used and allows you to Save or Clear the current Track
Log, and displays a list of any Saved Tracks.
Save—allows you to choose how far back in the log
you wish to save. Select the appropriate choice and
press ENTER to save the selection.
Clear—allows you to clear the Track Log. Clearing the
Track Log clears the Map page of all active tracks.
Note: Tracks cannot be recovered once they
are cleared.
Track Page Options
To access the Track Options, select the Track page and
press the MENU key.
Delete Saved Track—deletes the saved track.
Delete All Tracks—deletes all saved tracks.
Setup Track Log—displays the Track Log Setup
Record—Select Wrap When Full to delete the
oldest track point and create a new point added
at the end when track memory is full.
Record Method—set to Auto, Time, or
Interval—is used to either select or enter an
interval for the selected Record Method.
Note: If you know that you are going to want
to use the TracBack feature for a return trip,
clear the Track Log before you start the trip. This
ensures that you are only navigating along the
most recent track.