
GPSMAP 76 Owner’s Manual 37
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Waypoint Tab
The Waypoint tab contains the On/Off settings for
Next, Route, and Other.
Next—determines if the next waypoint in a route
is displayed. If On is selected, the next waypoint in
the route is displayed. If On is selected and the route
option is set to Off, only the next waypoint in the route
is displayed.
Route—determines if the waypoints in a route
are displayed. If this selection is set to Off, route
waypoints are not displayed on the graphic highway.
Other—determines if nearby waypoints are displayed.
Active Route/Goto Page
The Active Route/Goto page shows the waypoints in
current use for navigation. If you are navigating using
a Goto, the active waypoint is shown with the distance
remaining displayed on the right side of the screen. If
you are navigating a route, the list of route waypoints
is displayed with the distance of each leg displayed on
the right side of the screen. Pressing the ROCKER key
to the right or left scrolls the data eld on the right side
of the display. Pressing MENU displays the options
available for current navigation.