GPSMAP 76 Owner’s Manual 41
MAIn Menu > trAcKs
Track Information Page
To access information on a Saved Track, highlight
the desired track. Press ENTER to display the Track
Information page.
Name—allows you to change the Saved Track Name.
When tracks are saved, the GPSMAP 76 uses the a date
as the default track name.
Distance—shows the total distance of the Saved Track.
Points—shows the number of track log points in a
Saved Track.
Area—shows the calculated acreage within the track.
The end points of the track are connected with a
straight line when calculating the area. If the track
crosses itself, it is not accurate.
Show on Map and Highway—when checked, the
Saved Track is displayed on the Map and Highway
Delete Button—shows a pop-up window verifying you
want to delete the Saved Track.
TracBack Button—initiates TracBack Navigation.
TracBack Navigation uses Track Points in a saved track
to automatically create a route. You have the option
of navigating the route in the Original or Reverse
Map Button—displays the Saved Track on the
Map page.
OK Button—saves any changes and returns the
display to the Tracks page.