
GPSMAP 76 Owner’s Manual 7
bAsIc operAtIon > InItIAlIzInG the Gps receIver
Initializing the GPS Receiver
The GPSMAP 76 needs to be initialized the rst time
the unit is used, if it has been stored several months,
or if it has been moved over 600 miles. The Almanac
within unit stores each satellite’s orbital data that is
supplied in the satellite signals. The GPSMAP 76 uses
the Almanac to know which satellites to search for
and automatically updates each time the unit aquires
satellites. If you do not use your GPS for several
months or move the unit over 600 miles between
uses, the Almanac can become “cold” and the orbital
information is no longer valid. Your unit may have
trouble locking on to satellite signals using a “cold”
Almanac. If the unit is unable to receive enough
satellite signals to determine its location and update the
Almanac, it displays an options menu.
Initializing the GPS Receiver:
1. With fresh batteries installed, take the unit
outside for a clear 360° view of the sky.
2. Turn the unit on and hold it in front of you with
the top of the unit tilted upward. Follow the
screen prompts, pressing PAGE to display the
GPS Information page.
3. The initialization process is automatic. It should
take the GPSMAP 76 no longer than ve
minutes to acquire enough satellite signals to
become operational. When the unit is able to
navigate, it displays either 2D GPS Location or
3D GPS Location in the Receiver Status eld.