5–Parallel Interface
In direct play mode, input pins 1 though 16 control
playback of the currently loaded playlist’s rst 16
tracks, respectively. The exact playback behavior can
be customized on a per-track basis using the playlist
track settings found in each playlist entry menu under
Parallel Control
submenu. (Please refer
to the
Edit Playlist
section of this document.)
The following descriptions assume that the input
signal is active when a button is pressed.
Playback Mode
is not set to
the rst 16 tracks, as determined by the current
Playback Mode,
will be triggered in the
manner determined by the settings found under
System Settings
˘ Playlist
˘ Interruptible
Direct Play operates by SINGLE playback mode.
Direct play
Binary play
Program play
Binary play mode works exactly like direct play
mode, except that input pins 1-10 are interpreted as
a binary number. This enables the triggering of up
to 1023 different tracks. In the idle state, the signals
fed into pins 1-10 must be inactive as determined`by
Main Menu
System Settings
Parallel Port ˘ Input Polarity
. If
any of the signals change state, the HD-R1 will wait
until all 10 signals have been stable for 250 ms before
capturing their state to yield a binary number. An
active signal is interpreted as a binary “1”. This binary
number will designate the track that is to be played.
Binary Play operates by SINGLE playback mode.
Program play simply provides a way to control the
transport keys via the parallel port. It functions with
Playback Mode
. An active signal on pin
13 is equivalent to pressing the PLAY key. An active
signal on pins 14 or 15 is equivalent to pressing
or SKIP µ keys, respectively. An active signal
on pin 12 will change to the previous folder/playlist
in alphabetical order. An active signal on pin 16 will
change to the next folder/playlist in alphabetical order.
An active signal on pin 17 is the same as pressing