National Instruments none Home Theater System User Manual

Chapter 5 Getting Started with Measurement Studio
Measurement Studio User Manual 5-34
8. In Program.cs, add the following code to write an array of data to the
Imports NationalInstruments.NetworkVariable
Imports System.Threading
Imports System
Module Module1
Private Function GenerateDoubleArray(ByVal phase As Double) As Double()
Dim values(999) As Double
Dim x As Integer
For x = 0 To 999
values(x) = Math.Sin(((2 * Math.PI * x) / 1000) + phase) * 2
Next x
Return values
End Function
Sub Main()
Const location As String = "\\localhost\system\double"
Dim bufferedWriter As NetworkVariableBufferedWriter(Of Double()) =
New NetworkVariableBufferedWriter(Of Double())(location)
Dim phase As Integer = 0
While (True)
Dim values As Double() = GenerateDoubleArray(phase)
Console.WriteLine("Writing Array")
phase = phase + 1
End While
End Sub
End Module
using System;
using System.Threading;
using NationalInstruments.NetworkVariable;
namespace NetworkVariableWriter
class Program
private static double[] GenerateDoubleArray(double phase)
double[] values = new double[1000];
for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
values[x] = Math.Sin(((2 * Math.PI * x) / 1000) + phase) * 2;
return values;