7532 Operation
5.1.1 General structure of the operating menu
The operating menu is made up of two levels:
• Function groups (00, 01, 03, …, 0C, 0D):
The individual operating options of the instrument are split up roughly into different
function groups. The function groups that are available include, e.g.: "basic setup",
"safety settings", "output", "display", etc.
• Functions (001, 002, 003, …, 0D8, 0D9):
Each function group consists of one or more functions. The functions perform the
actual operation or parameterization of the instrument. Numerical values can be
entered here and parameters can be selected and saved. The available functions of the
“basic setup (00)” function group include, e.g.: "tank shape (002)",
"medium property (003)", "process cond. (004)", "empty calibr. (005)", etc.
If, for example, the application of the instrument is to be changed, carry out the follow-
ing procedure:
1.Select the “basic setup (00)” function group.
2.Select the "tank shape (002)" function (where the existing tank shape is selected).
5.1.2 Identifying the functions
For simple orientation within the function menus (see page 91), for each function a
position is shown on the display.
The first two digits identify the function group:
The third digit numbers the individual functions within the function group:
Here after the position is always given in brackets (e.g. "tank shape" (002)) after the
described function.
• basic setup 00
• safety settings 01
• linearization 04
• basic setup 00 → • tank shape 002
• medium property 003
• process cond. 004