II TS-590S
8.2.2 Controlling TS-590S from a PC using
the USB Connector.......................... 53
8.2.3 Controlling TS-590S from a PC using
the COM and ACC2 connectors
(microphone and speaker connected to
the PC to be used)........................... 53
8.2.4 Controlling TS-590S from a PC using
the USB connector (microphone and
speaker connected to the PC to be
used)................................................ 53
8.2.5 Controlling TS-590S from a PC on a
Remote Site..................................... 54
8.3 New ARCP-590 (Amateur Radio
Control Program for TS-590S)
Freeware ..........................................54
8.3.1 Basic Specifications Inherited from
ARCP-480........................................ 55
8.3.2 User Interfaces ................................ 55
8.3.3 KNS (Kenwood Network Command
System)............................................ 56
8.3.4 Visual Scan...................................... 58
8.3.5 Audio Equalizer................................ 58
8.4 ARHP-590 (Amateur Radio Host
Program) Freeware ..........................59
8.4.1 Basic Specifications Inherited from
ARHP-10.......................................... 59
8.4.2 User Interfaces ................................ 59
8.4.3 KNS (Kenwood Network Command
System)............................................ 60
8.4.4 Disabling AF Gain Control from
ARCP-590........................................ 60
8.5 New ARUA-10 (USB Audio Controller)
Freeware ..........................................60
8.5.1 Basic Functions ............................... 61
8.5.2 Operation......................................... 61
8.5.3 Setup ............................................... 61
8.5.4 Starting and Stopping ARUA-10...... 62
8.5.5 Adjusting Volume............................. 62
8.5.6 Automatic Execution when Windows
Starts ............................................... 62
8.6 New ARVP-10H (Amateur Radio VoIP
Program) Freeware ..........................63
8.6.1 Basic Functions ............................... 64
8.6.2 Setup of ARVP-10H
(Host Station)................................... 64
8.6.3 Making ARVP-10H (host station)
Online or Offline............................... 64
8.6.4 Setup of ARVP-10R
(remote station)................................ 65
8.6.5 Connecting and Disconnecting
ARVP-10R (Remote Station)........... 65
8.6.6 Adjusting Volume............................. 65
8.7 New Virtual COM Port Driver ...........66
9 OPTIONAL ACCESSORY ............. 67
9.1 PS-60 Regulated DC Power
Supply .............................................. 67
9.2 Rectifier Circuit.................................68
9.3 Switching Circuit, Constant-voltage
Circuit and Protection Circuit............ 68