Basic remote control operations for other components
Even when a component is manufactured by a maker listed in the setup code chart, it may be unable to be registered depending on the model and year
of production. Also, when a setup code of a non-KENWOOD maker is registered, certain component models may be unable to be controlled or only the
limited functions may be controllable. In this case, it is recommended to use the remote control unit provided with the system component. For how to
register the setup codes, read "Registering setup codes for other components" carefully. ยท
Setup code chart (RC-R0920E)
(For Europe and Australia)
Manufacturer Setup Codes
ABC 0003
ADB 1269, 1063
Alcatel 0896
Amstrad 1222
Austar 0276
Birmingham Cable
British Telecom 0003
Cable & Wireless 1068
Cabletime 0448, 0665
Comcrypt 0443
Comtec 0019
Contec 0019
Cryptovision 0600
Filmnet 0443
Foxtel 1222
France Telecom 0817, 0896, 0451
Galaxi 0008
General Instruments
0276, 0003
Golden Channel 1063, 1110
HyperVision 0619
i-CAN 1063
Jerrold 0276, 0003
Kabelvision 0003
Macab 0817
Melita 0003
MNET 0019, 0443
Motorola 0276, 1106
Mr Zap 1112
Mr Zapp 0817
Mr. Zap 1112
Multichoice 0019, 0443
Noos 0817
NTL 1068, 1060, 0276, 0003,
0277, 0250
Oak 0019
Ono 1068
Optus 1060, 0276
Pace 1068, 1060
Panasonic 0000
Paragon 0000
Philips 0817, 0619
Pioneer 0144
Pulsar 0000
PVP Stereo Visual
Runco 0000
Sagem 0817, 1112
Salora 0000
Samsung 1060
Scientific Atlanta 1068, 0277, 0008
Starcom 0003
Supercable 0276
Tele Danmark 0619
Tele+1 0443
Teledanmark 0619
Telepiu 0443
Telewest 1068
Thomson 1110
Cable Converters
Manufacturer Setup Codes
Kenwood 0681, 1339
MD recorder
Manufacturer Setup Codes
@sat 1300
@Sky 1334
ABsat 0832, 0123
ADB 0642, 1259
Aegir 0520
AGS 0710
Akai 0200
Alba 0455
Aldes 0520
Allsat 0200, 1043, 1017
Allvision 1412, 1334
Ampere 0132
Amstrad 0847, 1175, 0132, 0243,
1113, 0795, 0882, 0345,
AntSat 1083, 1017
Apollo 0455
Arcon 1205, 1075, 1043
Arion 1205
Armstrong 0243
Arnion 1300
Asat 0200
ASCI 1334
AssCom 0853
AST 0321
Astacom 0710
Aston 1261, 0142
Astra 0607, 0243
Astro 0173, 0658, 1113, 0133,
0607, 1100, 0520, 1099
Atsat 1300
AtSky 1334
Satellite Receivers
Manufacturer Setup Codes
Aurora 0879, 0642
Austar 0879, 0642, 0863, 1259,
Axiel 0710
Axis 1111, 0880
Beko 0455
Bentley Walker 1017
Bestar 0243
Black Diamond 1284
Blaupunkt 0173
Boca 0132, 0794, 0243
Boston 0710
Brand Unknown 0132, 1334, 0299
British Sky 0847, 1175
BskyB 0847, 1175
BT 1296, 0710
Bush 1284
Canal Digital 0853
Canal Satellite 0853
Canal+ 0853
CanalSatellite 0853
Cherokee 0710, 0123
Chess 1085, 1334
CityCom 0607, 0299, 1176, 1075
Claasen 0520
CNT 0520
Colombia 0132
Columbia 0132
Comag 0132, 1412
Condor 0607
Conrad 0132, 0607
Conrad Electronic
Crown 0243
Cryptovision 0795, 0455
Cyrus 0200
D-box 0723, 0873
Daewoo 1111, 1296
Daumling 0794
Delfa 0863
Deltasat 1075
Dgtec 1242
Digatron 1294
Digena 1100
Digenius 0299
Digiality 0607
DigiQuest 0863
DigitAll World 1227
Discovery 0710
Diseqc 0710
Distratel 1205
DMT 1075
DNT 0200
Dream Multimedia
DREAM 1237
DStv 0879, 0642
Echostar 0853, 0167, 0610, 1200,
1086, 1467, 0871, 1323
Satellite Receivers (Continued)
Manufacturer Setup Codes
Torx 0003
TransACT 1106
United Cable 0003
US Electronics 0276
Videotron 0250
Videoway 0250
Visionetics 1064
Visiopass 0817, 0451
Zenith 0000
Cable Converters (Continued)
Manufacturer Setup Codes
Genexxa 0037
Kenwood 0028, 0190, 0037, 0338,
0677, 0858, 0523, 0826,
0339, 0681, 0859, 0340,
1490, 1338
Optimus 0037
Sharp 0037
Trio 0677
CD player