Installing the Userport.Sys Driver (Required for Windows NT, 2000, And XP Professional users)
NOTE: If you recieved a Pre-Configured Laptop From us, the Steps below have already been performed
-you will ony need to follow the steps below if you are Re-Installing the Operating System.
This guide will Assist you with the Required Changes that must me made to windows XP Professional before the soft-
ware and platform will function correctly
Note about Windows XP: The Antenna Measurement Software Has only been tested and is only supported on the
Professional version of Microsoft Windows XP .
(LPT) Parallel Port Driver Installation Instructions:
Step 1:
The software installation has placed a Folder named “UserPort” located in the “C:\DAMS” Folder.
The userport.sys file allows the Windows XP operating system to communicate with the parallel port and control the
platform. Follow the instructions bellow to install the Userport.sys Driver.
-- For additional Information Please read the
Userport.PDF located in the Userport Folder ---
Step 2:
Setting the Compatibility mode for VEE Runtime 6.0 (XP PRO ONLY!)
In order for the software to work absolutly correctly we reccomend setting
the Windows XP compatibility mode to Windows 98/Me Mode for less
chances of errors caused by the windows XP Kernel.
1. Open “My Computer” located in the Start Menu
2. Open your “C:” Drive
3. Double click on the “Program Files” Folder
4. Double Click “Agilent” then double click the “Vee Pro Runtime”
1. Go to the “C:\dams\userport\” folder and copy the
“Userport.sys” file to the windows
system32\Drivers Folder. it is usually located in
2. Run the Userport.Exe program as shown at right
and Select the I/O range you wish to use and
Press Start. (if you do not know which ports to leave
open just press start and the defaults will be used)
Chapter 1 - Installation and Configuration Software Configuration
Connecting the controller and installing the Parallel Port drivers (Pre-2005 Parallel interface units ONLY)