Users Manual
Hold, then converts the measurement to decibels, then determines if the measurement is
either a new minimum or maximum value, and then subtracts the relative base from the
When using multiple modifiers, the order in which modifiers are selected is important.
For example, if K is pressed when you are in the MN MX, either the minimum or
maximum value (which ever is currently displayed) becomes the relative base. Pressing
J again as the next action causes the meter to display the difference between the
minimum and maximum value. If, on the other hand, J is pressed when you are in
REL, the difference between the relative base and the minimum or maximum value
(depending on what was displayed) is shown.
Selecting A Measurement Rate (Rate)
The meter takes measurements at one of three, user-selectable rates: slow, medium, and
fast. Rate selection allows you to maximize either measurement speed or noise rejection,
which affects accuracy (see Table 3-9). The rate selected is indicated by "S." "M," "F"
(slow, medium, or fast, respectively) in the primary display.
Press R , located in the lower-right corner of the front panel, to step through
measurement rates. The selected rate applies to all basic measurements, except frequency.
(When frequency is measured, the rate is a factor of the frequency being measured (see
Table 3-6), and pressing R has no effect on the frequency update rate.)
Table 3-9. Display Measurement Rates for Single Function Measurements
Measurement Rate Digits Display Counts Results Per Second
Slow 5 99,999* 2-1/2
Medium 4-1/2 30,000 5
Fast 3-1/2 3,000 20
* All ranges and functions except ohms will display up to 99999. Ohms displays up to 98000 (typical).
Using the S Button
Pressing S (located on the lower-right of the front panel) causes the next button pushed
to perform a second level operation.
A second level operation can be selected by:
• Pressing S then pressing another button (or buttons);
• Pressing and holding down S and pressing another button;
The second level operation available on a pushbutton is engraved below it on the front
panel and enclosed in parentheses in Table 3-10. (The LOCAL function associated with
S operates only when the meter is in REMS [remote without front panel lockout]. See
Table 5-l5 in Chapter 5.)