Programming the Remote to Control An
Audio Component
To program the remote for a remote-controllable audio
component, point the remote at the component and press
the correct component button: CD for a CD player, TAPE for a
tape player, etc. Then, press POWER or CH + or CH – . If the
component doesn’t respond, the remote needs to be
programmed. Use the codes in the code list on the next page
or on the sheet packed with your remote.
Follow these steps to program your remote to control your
audio component:
1. Turn on the component to be programmed.
2. Look up the brand and corresponding code number
in the code list on the next page or on the code
sheet packed with your remote.
3. Press and hold the component button on
the remote.
4. Enter the three-digit code from the code list.
5. Release the component button, then press POWER
to see if the component responds to the remote
commands. If it doesn’t, try pressing the
component button, then POWER again.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 using the next code listed
for the brand of your component until the
component responds to the remote commands.
Programming the Remote
This remote may not operate all
models of the brands shown.
ads: AMP 001
Aiwa: CD 060
Akai: AMP 002, 008
Denon: CD 057
Dynamic Bass: AM/FM 029
CD 025
TAPE 026, 027
Emerson: CD 066
Fisher AMP 023
CD 067
Hitachi: CD 063
JVC: AMP 016, 058
AM/FM 030, 035
CD 032
TAPE 033, 034
AUX 031
Kenwood: AMP 017, 074
AM/FM 074
CD 067, 070, 077
TAPE 071, 072
Kyocera: AMP 009
Lotte (NEC): AMP 075
Magnavox: AMP 065
AM/FM 065
CD 061
Marantz: AMP 022, 076
AM/FM 076
CD 068
Mitsubishi: AMP 015, 059
AM/FM 059
Nakamichi: AMP 020
Onkyo: AM/FM 082
CD 078
TAPE 080, 081
Panasonic: AMP 012
AM/FM 038
CD 036, 083
TAPE 037
Philips: AMP 062
AM/FM 062
CD 061
Pioneer: AMP 014
AM/FM 042
CD 039
TAPE 040, 041
RCA: AMP 024
AM/FM 003
CD 007, 043, 044
TAPE 006
AUX 004, 054
Realistic: CD 063, 066
Sansui: CD 045
Scott: CD 066
TAPE 055, 056
Sherwood: AMP 011, 013
Sony: AMP 021
AM/FM 049
CD 046
TAPE 048, 053
Teac: AMP 010
CD 069
Technics: AM/FM 052
CD 050
TAPE 051
Yamaha: AMP 018, 019