5 - Effects
FX Edit Screen
E-MU Digital Audio System 41
FX Edit Screen
E Note: Effects have to
be placed into an insert
location before you can
program them.
Click on an FX Insert to display the parameters for that effect. If an insert effect is not
selected, the FX display will read “No Insert”.
Most effects have a wet/dry mix parameter to control the ratio of effect-to-plain signal.
The wet/dry setting is stored with the FX preset. The effect parameters vary with the type
of effect. Generally if an effect is placed in an Aux Send, the wet/dry mix in the effect
should be set to 100% wet since the Aux Return amount controls how much effect is
The User Preset section is located at the bottom of the FX Edit screen. User presets are
variations of the main effect and can be edited, deleted, renamed or overwritten as you
To Bypass an Insert:
Inserts can be bypassed if you want to temporarily hear the audio without the effect or
insert. Bypass can also be used to turn off a Send Insert.
Method #1
1. Click on the Insert (in the Insert section).
2. Click the Bypass button in the TV display.
Method #2
1. Right-click over the Insert you want to bypass (in the Insert section). A pop-up
menu appears.
2. Select “Bypass Insert” from the list of options. The effect name will “gray-out” to
indicate that the effect is bypassed.
To Solo an Insert:
Inserts can also be soloed. Solo bypasses all the other inserts in the strip and allows you
to hear only the soloed effect. This feature is very useful when adjusting the effect
Method #1
1. Click on the Insert (in the Insert section).
2. Click the Solo button in the TV display.
Effects Display
View Button
Effect Location
Wet/Dry Mix Control
Effect Parameters
Effect Bypass &
Solo Buttons
User Preset Section