The main menu descriptions are accompanied by the On Screen Menu layout below. In some cases, the
front panel will display a slightly abbreviated version of what the On Screen Menu shows due to character
space limitations. The On Screen Menu is accessible from the component video output, the Zone A S-video
output and the Zone A composite video output. B &K recommends using the On Screen Menu for adjusting
unit parameters. The On Screen Menu is not available in Zone B.
On Screen Menu Format
Front Panel Menu Format
1 System Setup - System setup should be used when initially setting up the preamplifier, or if system
parameters need to be adjusted. Page 24.
2 Unit Information - Contains information about the unit make, model, serial number, software version,
BKC-DIP version, phase locked loop chip version. This information may be needed when contacting
customer service. Page 32.
3 Z1 Operation-Theater - Allows viewing and changing the entire state of Zone A. See Unit Operation
page 41.
4 Z2 Operation-2nd Zone - Allows viewing and changing the entire state of Zone B. See Unit Operation
page 41.
11 SSyysstteemm SSeettuupp
22 UUnniitt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
OOppeerraattiioonn -- TThheeaatteerr
44 ZZ22 OOppeerraattiioonn -- 22nndd ZZoonnee
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm EENNTT sseelleecctt
MMEENNUU eexxiitt mmeennuu ssyysstteemm
33 ZZ11 OOppeerraattiioonn -- TThheeaatteerr