
Additional Measurement Commands
The following additional measurement commands are provided with the Agilent Dual Power Analyzer
Option 020/022. These measurement commands are optimized for use in specific applications such as
evaluating uninterruptible power supplies. In this application the new commands can be used to measure
transfer time, peak voltage, and phase locked loop performance of the UPS.
NOTE: All MEASure and FETCh commands apply to both the Main Output and the Power
Analyzer input. This includes commands documented in the ac source User’s Guide and
those described in this section. See SENS:NSEL to select a power analyzer input.
Returns the time at which the measured voltage crosses a user-specified voltage level. The sign and
magnitude of occurrence define the event to be reported. For example, if occurrence is -3, the return
value is the third time at which the voltage crosses the level in the negative-going direction. If occurrence
is 4, the return value is the fourth time at which the voltage crosses the level in the positive-going
The return value is with respect to the start of the measurement buffer. If no point on the waveform
satisfies the specified conditions, the return value is 9.91000E+37.
Query Syntax
MEASure:[SCALar]:TVOLt? <level>, <occurrence>
FETCh:[SCALar]:TVOLt? <level>, <occurrence>
1E6 to 1E6 (for level)
4096 to +4096, but not 0 (for occurrence)
MEAS:TVOL? 50, 3 FETC:TVOL? 10, -1
Returned Parameters
Related Commands