Data Structure Reference 5-13
Field Description
uchChkDgtAlgorithm Specifies whether the scanner should
check the integrity of I 2 of 5 bar codes to
ensure they comply with either the Uniform
Symbology Specification (USS) or Optical
Product Code Council (OPCC) algorithms.
Values are:
0 Do not check the integrity
1 Check the integrity against the
USS algorithm
2 Check the integrity against the
OPCC algorithm
Default: 0
uchXmitCheckDigit Enable/disable the requirement to transmit
check digits with the data.
uchCvtI2of5toEAN13 Enable/disable the requirement to convert
14-character I 2 of 5 bar codes into EAN13
bar codes, and transmit them as EAN13
bar codes.
To use this parameter, enable uchEnable,
set the length to 14, and ensure the data
has a leading zero and a valid EAN 13
check digit.