5-2 Programmer’s Manual
The CODABARINFO data structure contains scanner
configuration information about Codabar bar codes. To read
these values, applications call scnGetCodabarInfo; to set these
values, they call scnSetCodabarInfo.
typedef struct _CodabarInfo
unsigned char uchEnable;
unsigned char uchLength1;
unsigned char uchLength2;
unsigned char uchEnableCLSIEdit;
unsigned char uchEnableNOTISEdit;
Field Description
uchEnable Enable/disable the ability to scan Codabar
bar codes.
Specifies lengths (including start and stop
characters) for Codabar bar codes. You
can specify one or two lengths, a range of
lengths, or that any length is valid. Enter
values as follows:
Option uchLength1 uchLength2
1 Length Value 0
2 Lengths Higher Value Lower Value
Range Min. Value Max. Value
Any length 0 0
Default: 5 (uchLength1) and 55