212 Power Tools EZConfig Utilities
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
SetDevice Info
Access: Start | Power Tools | EZConfig Utilities
Sets a unique DeviceID for the unit.
The DeviceID has the following format: [PREFIX][DATA][SUFFIX]
See section titled “Using the EZConfig Editor” for details and instruction when working with the
sections and keys in the SetDevice Info configuration file.
Double-tap the SetDevice Info configuration file to open it.
Double-tap EZConfig Editor to open the editor, tap File | Open and select the SetDevice Info
configuration file from the selection box.
When additions/changes are finished, tap File | Save or File | Save As.
Key Value Description
Prefix ID 1 - The DeviceID must begin with a letter.
2 - The DeviceID cannot exceed 15 characters in length
Data [SERIALNUMBER] Use the mobile device’s serial number.
Suffix [MODELNUMBER} Use the mobile device’s model number.