128 Settings Options
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Preferred Profiles
A list of preferred profiles for access points (AP) in the network created by the user, or added from
the Active SSID table is located at the top of the Config window.
When the radio is turned on, it searches for the APs with which to associate in the order of the
listed profiles. For each profile in the table, the user can make changes by using the icon tools at
the top of the table. Tap an icon (New, Edit, Delete, Up, Down) to create a new profile, edit an
existing profile, delete a profile and move the profiles in the Active SSID listing up and down to
adjust the automatic association priority for each profile.
Note: This table is blank after an initial MX6 software installation. It can be kept blank with no
automatic association preference.
Active SSIDs
The Active SSIDs table lists all access points or peer stations (creator of IBSS) in the vicinity of
the host. It displays only those SSIDs that accept broadcast associations. Each record displays
information for the following six fields (The table may not display all the fields on the screen. Use
the horizontal scroll bar to check all the fields.).
Network Name of the access point or peer station. A link icon with signal
strength is also shown.
Strength in percentage for that SSID.
An icon shows whether it is an access point, or a peer station.
The channel it uses and the WEP method it applies if any. The icon stands for
WEP Key-On, and for WEP Key-Off.
Supported data rate of the access point or the peer station.
BSSID or MAC Address of the access point or the peer station.