Power Tools EZConfig Utilities 175
E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC MX6 Reference Guide
Key Function
Wait Determines if Autorun should wait for the program to complete and close
before continuing to the next program in the sequence.
0=Continue to the next program immediately
1=Wait enabled
StartOption Specifies the startup options for the program. Autorun launches the
program only if the startup options entered here are met.
Blank = Always run the program.
For a complete list of values, see “Startup Options”.
* PNPID Specifies a card description. This option needs to be entered only when
PNPID or NONPNPID values are specified in the StartOption key.
* DependIndex Specifies the index of a dependent program.
* DependExitCode Specifies the required result of the dependent program. If the result of the
dependent program does not equal the DependExitCode entered here, the
current program will not be executed at startup.
* These keys are optional and can be added as necessary.
Editing the Autorun Configuration
Edit Autorun.EXM in EZConfig Editor. For details, see “Working with Open Configuration
Adding a Program Section
1. In EZConfig Editor, right click on the Programs section and select Append Child Section. A
new program must be a child section of the Programs section to launch at startup.
2. On the Add New Section window, enter the Name and Description and click OK.
3. The new section is added to the bottom of the list.
4. Use the click and drag method to move the section to the desired launch sequence. Press and
hold the ALT key to make sure that you move the section at the same level. Do not append
the section to an existing section!
5. Right-click in the key area and select Append Key. You must add all the required Autorun
keys; see “Program Section Keys”.
6. Save the file. Any changes to the Autorun configuration file do not take effect until the mobile
device is rebooted.