Quick Start 23
Tabs Actions
System Moving the slider between Soft and Loud adjusts the speaker
volume. Enable or disable sounds for each function by tapping the
check boxes.
Routing Use these options to determine where the audio output goes. Enable
or disable the headset and speaker, and microphone gain.
Volume As the volume scrollbar is moved between up and down for System
volume, the computer beeps each time the volume increases or
decreases in decibel range.
Extra As the volume scrollbar is moved between up and down, the
computer beeps each time the volume increases or decreases in
decibel range for Bay Digital, CRMA Radio and Mixer volume.
Events Choose sounds to play for Windows CE events or create your own
sound scheme.
Troubleshooting Volume Adjust
A <Blue+V> key press sequence puts the MX5X in ‘Volume Adjust’ mode.
<Shift+Blue+Shift> puts the unit in ‘Blue’ Mode which, when followed by ‘<V>’, puts the unit in
‘Volume Adjust’ mode as well.
If the MX5X is responding to touch input, but does not respond to keypad (hard or soft) input, the
MX5X may still be in Volume Adjust mode.
Press Enter to cancel (exit) Volume Adjust mode. After pressing enter, the MX5X should start
responding to key input.
Saving Settings
When returning from a Cold Reset the previously saved (or original if this is the first Cold Reset)
registry savings are reloaded.
When you want to save the registry without having to reset the MX5X:
Double-tap the RegSave file (located in the Windows folder).
The RegSave utility creates the RegTemp.reg registry backup file. The registry is reloaded from
the RegTemp.reg file after a Cold Reset.
The registry save process takes 5 – 10 seconds. It is also saved after each Resume from Suspend
and each time the OK button is tapped in Control Panel applets.