
Using the protocols
2-18 PagePrinter Network Adapter: Utilities & Environments
Using telnet
You can use telnet with the adapter. This is an easy way to set the adapter’s
1 Set up the host to telnet in line mode, with local echo, and with cr/lf
(Most hosts use this configuration as the default.)
2 If a password is set for the Network Adapter be sure you know it.
3 Type the following at the command prompt:
telnet ip.address -p 9000
ip.address is the IP address you’re using, such as
4 Follow the instructions on the screen. You can work with many adapter
parameters and take different actions using the Network Adapter. For
Set the address, netmask, and gateway
Set the community name
Set a password
Set lpd options (such as automatic carriage returns, banner page, etc.)
Assign lpd queue names
Enable or disable BOOTP, RARP, FTP, and TFTP
Set the maximum transmission size
Set up a list of restricted servers
Using TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
You can use TFTP to send a job to the printer just as you normally do.
Remember that TFTP is slower than FTP.
The Network Adapters only recognize the TFTP destination file name:
To use TFTP, type a command similar to this:
tftp>put <printfile> /prt1
where <printfile> is the name of print job you’re sending and prt1 is the
destination file.